
The use of synthetic chemicals in crops has created environmental hazards and health concerns. Farmers face additional pressure to deliver high yields of quality crops, naturally.


Proper probiotic treatment delivers a blend of microorganisms formulated for enhanced plant health and growth. Our naturally occurring, root-associated bacteria promote a healthy environment for plant growth.



Dormant Bacillus Spores:

  • Bacillus spore bacteria require specific nutrients and conditions to activate
  • If those conditions are not met, spores will stay in the water, soil, or growth media completely dormant and not providing benefits
  • Current probiotics in the soil are missing the key nutrients required to germinate



Activated Bacillus Spores:

  • We provide the exact conditions and nutrients for each strain to activate
  • Over 95% of our spores are committed to activate and grow
  • Our probiotics are awake and growing as soon as they reach the optimal conditions of the growth media
  • These activated probiotics supercharge the root system at key moments: seed germination, cloning, transplanting, flowering, and producing fruit